Disability Research and Evidence based Policy/ Hluti af Marie Cure verkefninu DARE
This open session will focus on engagements between researchers, disability advocates and government actors. Non-academic partners will take a leading role in the training and share their experiences of using evidence to influence change at national, regional or international levels.
Panellists include:
- Catalina Devandas-Aguilar (former UN Special Rapporteur)
- Prof Theresia Degener (former Chair UN CRPD Committee)
- Elena Schubert (Policy Officer at the Disability and Inclusion Unit of the European Commission)
- Dr. Marc Verlot (Head of Evidence and Insight, Disability Unit, UK Government)
To register for this event please click on the following link before 4pm Thursday 22nd October: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/124416080847
If you have any accessibility requirements to attend the webinar, please email them to us at dareresearch@nuigalway.ie by 4pm on 22nd October 2020.
For more information about the project and the training events please contact dareresearch@nuigalway.ie or visit http://dareresearch.eu